Saturday, May 16, 2009

Adam Lambert Rocks Mt Carmal High

It must have been really cool for Adam Lambert to go back to the Mt Carmal High School he graduted from in 2000.  He sang Black or White and Mad World for the audience and had some chick streak across the stage. How's that for crazy fans?  It probably feels weird though seeing the kids you went to high school with and Adam had a message to share with the world he said, "It's okay to be different, don't listen to what people say about you."  Words of inspiration from a guy who has a rocker style look.  I couldn't believe how "different" he used to look 9 years ago.  I can see why he would wear eye liner now, you can hardly see his eyes in this video from 2000.  Amazing transformation and so much more "hollywood style" now.  A classy guy with a rich deep voice and singing every note in tune!  I hope everyone votes for Adam and that he wins as "The American Idol" with the highest number of votes in history. Now THAT would really be cool!

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